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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fell in love!!! Slippery and stress free.


I finally found my STAPLE co-wash conditioner. I have been going through so many different products and nothing has ever been like this yet! I am so happy and relieved.

When I Big chopped back in March, I read many stories, forms, and blogs. I felt I had an arsenal of information on products, on hair type, and accessories.

Well, HOLD UP....I know if you have thought about going natural then you definitely should know about "Herbal Essence Hello Hydration." This is one of my most favorite co-wash conditioners yet.
But, last night I decided to co-wash using a new found love of the natural hair community, "Tresemme Naturals - nourishing Moisturizing Conditioner." This conditioner had so much slip and assist with detangling! I was in pure natural Hair Maven Heaven!!!

I had my hair detangled in the amount of 5-6 minutes! Usually it takes me 6-7 sections for 20-30 minutes to DETANGLE without hurting my beautiful tresses. I was able to really comprehend what others have praised and discussed for so many months.
I am not ever letting it go!!

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Take my journey and use it to help you in a way that fits your life style! I am happy to be able to assist in any way. Always loved hair, not only mines, but all hair, and I am loving this new realm of ME and my tresses!