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Friday, August 30, 2013

Natural...changing lives beyond Hair Care!

Going Natural? .... No, Returning Natural! Yes!!

I decided to return natural indefinitely when my daughter started asking if she could get a relaxer like me. I don't know if many of you ladies have had that experience, but for me it just didn't feel right in my bones anymore to continue with relaxers. The process was not tiresome, but it was ENTERTAINMENT and INFATUATION for my baby girl that I did NOT find to be a benefit or value.

Going Natural changed my lifestyle in more ways than one, it helped me to discover and embrace myself and to learn how to love me. This choice helped to encourage my daughter to love herself and her heritage. She now asks for her hair to be out, curly, and twist-outs. Baby girl wants to Big Chop, but in my heart I know she is not ready, because when I trim her hair she has heart failure (figuratively speaking).

I would love to see her with a TWA, but when the time is ready. :-)

I personally have found myself wanting to eat differently, clean differently, and change my lifestyle completely because of being more informed of natural and organic alternatives. It's definitely a work in progress, but I can say I am dedicated to finding ways to incorporate a natural/organic lifestyle.

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Take my journey and use it to help you in a way that fits your life style! I am happy to be able to assist in any way. Always loved hair, not only mines, but all hair, and I am loving this new realm of ME and my tresses!