How to curb a product junkies urge to buy and indulge in various products?
I'm still learning...
Each time I go onto my social media I see a new product, photo, or hash tag and it makes me curious. This leads me to the company's page and then I'm scrolling through tons of gorgeous photos of gorgeous definition, BIG volume, and beautiful people.
As you can tell social media doesn't help curb my product junky ways or appetite.
Things I will do to help kind of get my hunger for a new product down is online window shopping or I won't log into my social media sites for awhile. Another thing is going to sites which don't only showcase products all day. I do allow myself a treat and I also make a list of what I want to try. This way I hold myself accountable for what I purchase... no one wants to disappoint themselves!
Also, go into your stash and try sticking to the products you have opened for awhile/ Once you have used up a couple the go and open a new product from your own stash rather than buying a new one.
Oh and one last thing I enter Giveaways and contest, so at least I am saving some coins if I do get new products :-)