When I decided to Big Chop, I read EVERYTHING I could within Google search. I read about retaining moisture, finding a regimen, using ALL natural products, and why do this and NOT do that...I was in information OVERLOAD!!!
Getting back to our natural roots is really fun and really difficult, especially if you have NO knowledge of how to deal with your own hair in its natural state. I thought I knew everything there was to know about hair, I mean HELLO, I do have a head full of thick curly/coily/kinky hair! But, there is so much more to it than just shampoo condition and style. You have to first get to know your HAIR PROPERTIES; Density,Porosity and Texture (very important).
Now many people in the natural community have or are working on finding out their hair properties, which can take a while if you aren't seeking professional consultations. But, eventually you will and when you do, the next step comes into play for ladies like me TYPE 4(coily, kinky, and zig-zaggy), which is RETAINING MOISTURE!
For me to retain moisture, initially I did a method of L.C.O. (L-Liquid, C-Cream, O-Oil). This method didn't works as well as the following did, which is L.O.C. When I was using the L.C.O. my hair was ALWAYS losing moisture, it was always dry, and I was beginning to feel like I made mistake...Uh-Oh a mistake with my own hair...YEAH.
I went back to the good ole search engine Google and started looking for women who's curl pattern was similar to mines or close to it. I started reading articles from curlynikki.com and then I would go onto other links from her site gathering lots of info.
Here is where the title of this blog comes into play.
These words all came into play with Oils and one main oil being Coconut Oil. I had no idea of what Coconut Oil was and what it would look like and that it was for my...HAIR?!?!
Eventually, I bought me some Coconut Oil. I wanted to do a Pre-poo and I wanted great slip and ease for detangling. I bought some Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil and I received a Free 32oz. Sample!
I was still in the "this ain't gonna work for my hair, watch!" Well I was totally fooled!!
The coconut Oil made detangling my hair, my daughter's hair, and my son's hair, easy as a ever before... Seriously!!! My son's hair is as thick as mines, probably more!
I used it as an hot oil treatment/Pre-Poo, I used it to detangle, I used it for my skin, my face, and to add to other products! I fell in love with this oil. Coconut Oil is my second Staple oil, because JBCO will always have my heart.
But, TROPICAL TRADITIONS GOLD LABEL VIRGIN COCONUT OIL is really awesome due to the process in which they achieve this wonderful oil. You can definitely read about it here :
What is Virgin Coconut Oil?
In honor of my Big Chop Anniversary, I will be conducting a giveaway.
The Giveaway will run from March 27th until April 17th 11:59PM!
Tropical Tradition Sales NEWSLETTER
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That's it!!
Winner will be announced HERE!!!
STAY TUNED to the next Giveaway!!! Hint: Tomorrow I will post the deets!
Tropical Traditions is America's source for
coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website:
What is Virgin Coconut Oil?
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this
product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so
chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or
sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.