Natural Healthy Hair Journey ~ Makeup Enthusiasts ~ Product Junkie Love * Live * Laugh
Monday, January 21, 2013
Kinky-Curly and more.
Hey everyone,
So, when I initially went natural a few people talked and raved about the Kinky-Curly custard and the Kinky-Curly come clean.
I am not sure about how others may view some products, but before having any knowledge of the natural hair community, I felt certain products were aimed at specific races and hair textures. So, when I seen the Kinky-Curly campaign ladies I assumed this was not for African american women. Therefore, my urgency to try the products had died!
I have a daughter who's hair texture is very different than mines, she has a looser curl pattern. Using the Hair typing chart, she would be between a 3B/3C. I didn't think this really mattered when it came to hair care products, so, whatever I'd use I definitely allowed my children to use as well.
My first wrong move...
I assumed my daughter had "Good Hair." Once again, because I was uneducated about hair.
My second wrong move...
After trying and trying many different products, all natural and non-natural products, I gave up. I just begun keeping her hair in cornrows and bow-bows with twists.
Well, something clicked in my head and I thought about the campaign ladies for Kinky-Curly. Their hair reminded me of my daughters hair. So, I wanted to try this product all over again.
I recently purchased the entire line.
To say the least I was excited and anxious to try these on my daughters hair.
I started with Kinky-Curly Come Clean Shampoo (smells wonderful,like tangerines), I used the shampoo at her roots and then I allowed the shampoo to run down her hair to clean the rest. I did this once thoroughly.

After, detangling, I used the Kinky - Curly Curling Custard. I twisted each section and then wrapped it around forming a Bantu knot. And put a Satin Bonnet on her head... Good Night!
-Hard Hair
As you can see this is Sa'mani eating her breakfast. This is the following morning, some areas were damp and some were just hard and dry. I figured since she had the custard in her hair she'd be fine, so I let her go to school with it just like this!
End of The Day Results:
-Still hard in certain areas (mainly the ends)
Okay...Okay. So, this was only my first try. I don't like to mix other products when I know I am going to review it and when I know I want to see how the entire line works together. I didn't add anything extra, no oil, no hair milk, nothing. This was only the Kinky-Curly Line.
Second Attempt:
I only used the Kinky-Curly Knot Today and a wide tooth comb. I set her hair in Big Box braids and a satin bonnet.
The following morning: Wonderful definition and it was softer than the 1st day. After unraveling ALL her braids, I used some 100% pure Now Foods Grapeseed Oil and some Knot Today in my hands, rubbed them together, and smoothed it over her sections.
For her edges I used the Curls Passion Fruit Control Paste ( WONDERFUL product).
End of The Day Results:
Would I buy these products again? NO!!! Why? These products did nothing spectacular that any other cheaper product would do. Do I recommend these products? NO. Why? I have better experiences with Curls products and achieve better results.
What are your thoughts? Have you used the Kinky-Curly line? What were your results?
So, when I initially went natural a few people talked and raved about the Kinky-Curly custard and the Kinky-Curly come clean.
I am not sure about how others may view some products, but before having any knowledge of the natural hair community, I felt certain products were aimed at specific races and hair textures. So, when I seen the Kinky-Curly campaign ladies I assumed this was not for African american women. Therefore, my urgency to try the products had died!
I have a daughter who's hair texture is very different than mines, she has a looser curl pattern. Using the Hair typing chart, she would be between a 3B/3C. I didn't think this really mattered when it came to hair care products, so, whatever I'd use I definitely allowed my children to use as well.
My first wrong move...
I assumed my daughter had "Good Hair." Once again, because I was uneducated about hair.
My second wrong move...
After trying and trying many different products, all natural and non-natural products, I gave up. I just begun keeping her hair in cornrows and bow-bows with twists.
Well, something clicked in my head and I thought about the campaign ladies for Kinky-Curly. Their hair reminded me of my daughters hair. So, I wanted to try this product all over again.
I recently purchased the entire line.
To say the least I was excited and anxious to try these on my daughters hair.
I started with Kinky-Curly Come Clean Shampoo (smells wonderful,like tangerines), I used the shampoo at her roots and then I allowed the shampoo to run down her hair to clean the rest. I did this once thoroughly.
I followed up with Kinky-Curly Knot Today. I used this to aid in detangling her hair, softening her hair, and conditioning her hair. I did not rinse it out.
After, detangling, I used the Kinky - Curly Curling Custard. I twisted each section and then wrapped it around forming a Bantu knot. And put a Satin Bonnet on her head... Good Night!
-Hard Hair
As you can see this is Sa'mani eating her breakfast. This is the following morning, some areas were damp and some were just hard and dry. I figured since she had the custard in her hair she'd be fine, so I let her go to school with it just like this!
End of The Day Results:
-Still hard in certain areas (mainly the ends)
Okay...Okay. So, this was only my first try. I don't like to mix other products when I know I am going to review it and when I know I want to see how the entire line works together. I didn't add anything extra, no oil, no hair milk, nothing. This was only the Kinky-Curly Line.
Second Attempt:
I only used the Kinky-Curly Knot Today and a wide tooth comb. I set her hair in Big Box braids and a satin bonnet.
The following morning: Wonderful definition and it was softer than the 1st day. After unraveling ALL her braids, I used some 100% pure Now Foods Grapeseed Oil and some Knot Today in my hands, rubbed them together, and smoothed it over her sections.
For her edges I used the Curls Passion Fruit Control Paste ( WONDERFUL product).
End of The Day Results:
Would I buy these products again? NO!!! Why? These products did nothing spectacular that any other cheaper product would do. Do I recommend these products? NO. Why? I have better experiences with Curls products and achieve better results.
What are your thoughts? Have you used the Kinky-Curly line? What were your results?
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Aloe Vera Leaf & Glycerin DIY
So, tonight I took the love bugs (Sa'mani & Ahmen) to the Supermarket in order to get some supplies for my daughters Cook Shop recipes. Her school is very BIG on healthy Living & Healthy eating.
Tonight we are going to make:
Pita Pizzas
1 Green Bell Pepper
1 bag of Carrots
2 apples
2 packages of Whole-Wheat pitas
1 Head of Romaine Lettuce
1 container of Humus
I picked up Whole grain Flatbread in place of the pita bread, because I found that one first and it looked (impulsive buyer I am)
I also bought Humus - Garlic flavored.
I am so anxious to try...
Back to my Title...duh. hehehe
I seen the Aloe Leaf and decided why not try out one of those DIY's I've read about from many users, stating how it works great for moisturizing and for curl definition.
I bought one leaf and I also bought 100% Glycerin.
Now, I am not completely sure if this will work for me, but I want to give it a try. I also love seeing Coils "POP," so I am truly hoping for that andthe needed moisture, I have been doing great so far with retaining moisture.
Let's see how well it works.
Have you tried this DIY? Do you have any recipes you'd like to share? Share, comment, and follow Please! Thanks.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Re-twist and products utilized!
So, I finally needed to re-twist. I had unraveled my twist Monday and I loves the results after I gotten in the shower Monday night my twist got moistened by the shower. I didn't retwist, and in the morning I actually loved the 2nd day hair. * I believe I have mentioned I do not mind some frizz.*
Tuesday, I enjoyed my second day hair and when i took shower Tuesday night, I did cover my hair, but it didn't make a difference my hair still got a lil wet.
I didn't mind, but it needed to be re-twisted. It went from frizz to certain spots were mini
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I took smaller sections in the front (it's hard for me to he the front to curl properly), I used 3 spurts of mist (Shea moisture Curl&shine hold mist, then I added a dime sized amount of Sweet Ambrosia leave-in, and detangled with my wide tooth comb, finally i took a pea sized amount of the Shea moisture curl Enhancing smoothie and smoothed it through from my roots down to the ends, then I took another pea-sized amout and rubbed it into my ends and TWISTED.
I took photos of the hair which was in my wide tooth comb and from the ends of my twist. My hair health is definitely getting better, less hair loss during detangling and styling.
So, I finally needed to re-twist. I had unraveled my twist Monday and I loves the results after I gotten in the shower Monday night my twist got moistened by the shower. I didn't retwist, and in the morning I actually loved the 2nd day hair. * I believe I have mentioned I do not mind some frizz.*
Tuesday, I enjoyed my second day hair and when i took shower Tuesday night, I did cover my hair, but it didn't make a difference my hair still got a lil wet.
I didn't mind, but it needed to be re-twisted. It went from frizz to certain spots were mini
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I took smaller sections in the front (it's hard for me to he the front to curl properly), I used 3 spurts of mist (Shea moisture Curl&shine hold mist, then I added a dime sized amount of Sweet Ambrosia leave-in, and detangled with my wide tooth comb, finally i took a pea sized amount of the Shea moisture curl Enhancing smoothie and smoothed it through from my roots down to the ends, then I took another pea-sized amout and rubbed it into my ends and TWISTED.
I took photos of the hair which was in my wide tooth comb and from the ends of my twist. My hair health is definitely getting better, less hair loss during detangling and styling.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Karen's Body Beautiful & my 2nd attempt 2 strand flat twist
Hopefully, everyone has had a welcoming and safe New Year's Eve!
I have decided to give a try at using a regimen...hmmm. I wonder how long this will work for me? I usually go with the way I feel and then I do twist or twist out or some style.
My regimen will be similar to Jenell of kinkycurlycoilyme , the difference being I do not shampoo every week, I don't deep condition every week either. I will use the products she has recommended and a few different ones.
My regimen will consist of the Yucca&Baobab hair mist (Jenell's fave), sealer(Coconut Jamaican black castor oil and tropical traditions virgin coconut oil gold label), followed by Karen's Body beautiful sweet Ambrosia Leave-in (Pomegranate & Guava scent).
Now as far as moisturizers I am trying out the Karen's body beautiful Super Duper hydrating hair cream and KBB Butter Love(final seal).
For deep conditioning I will be trying out the KBB luscious Locks hair mask.
I also will be trying out 2 Shea moisture deep treatments; raw Shea butter deep treatment and the Yucca & Baobab anti-breakage masque.
I will keep in my rotation Curls Ecstasy Hair tea Deep conditioner.
I may use a different moisturizer/cream and my final sealant may vary...not sure yet.
Today I sectioned my hair into 4 sections from a 1 day twist out, I I used the KBB leave-in to soften each section and give it some wetness, then I applied my warmed CJBCO&coconut oil to each section and scalp, I massaged the oil into my scalp and onto the hair shaft.
I massaged each section until I felt it was all softened and damp. I took one section and parted into 3, I applied the KBB super duper and massaged it into my hair shaft.i parted that into 2 and twisted, FINAL SEAL with KBB Butter love and cold wave rods at the ends.
I did this to each of the four sections, except in the front, I attempted 2 strand flat twist and twists at the ends with cold wave rods to hold the ends and black long bobby pins to secure the 2 strand flat twist.
Hopefully, everyone has had a welcoming and safe New Year's Eve!
I have decided to give a try at using a regimen...hmmm. I wonder how long this will work for me? I usually go with the way I feel and then I do twist or twist out or some style.
My regimen will be similar to Jenell of kinkycurlycoilyme , the difference being I do not shampoo every week, I don't deep condition every week either. I will use the products she has recommended and a few different ones.
My regimen will consist of the Yucca&Baobab hair mist (Jenell's fave), sealer(Coconut Jamaican black castor oil and tropical traditions virgin coconut oil gold label), followed by Karen's Body beautiful sweet Ambrosia Leave-in (Pomegranate & Guava scent).
Now as far as moisturizers I am trying out the Karen's body beautiful Super Duper hydrating hair cream and KBB Butter Love(final seal).
For deep conditioning I will be trying out the KBB luscious Locks hair mask.
I also will be trying out 2 Shea moisture deep treatments; raw Shea butter deep treatment and the Yucca & Baobab anti-breakage masque.
I will keep in my rotation Curls Ecstasy Hair tea Deep conditioner.
I may use a different moisturizer/cream and my final sealant may vary...not sure yet.
Today I sectioned my hair into 4 sections from a 1 day twist out, I I used the KBB leave-in to soften each section and give it some wetness, then I applied my warmed CJBCO&coconut oil to each section and scalp, I massaged the oil into my scalp and onto the hair shaft.
I massaged each section until I felt it was all softened and damp. I took one section and parted into 3, I applied the KBB super duper and massaged it into my hair shaft.i parted that into 2 and twisted, FINAL SEAL with KBB Butter love and cold wave rods at the ends.
I did this to each of the four sections, except in the front, I attempted 2 strand flat twist and twists at the ends with cold wave rods to hold the ends and black long bobby pins to secure the 2 strand flat twist.
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